

Their DNS queries need to be sent to these DNS servers on the Internet and your users need to wait for the response back from these servers. Suppose in your network everybody uses Google public DNS server or your ISP DNS server. This is because NxFilter keeps local cache for DNS lookup. Some users reported that after they installed NxFilter on their network their Internet speed improved greatly. You get no latency problem with NxFilter.


Since it uses light weight DNS protocol there's no need to have your traffic going through anywhere. It's basically a forwarding DNS server with filtering ability. That's DNS filtering and NxFilter is a dns-filter. This latency problem gets bigger when you have bigger number of users. This is because your web traffic needs to go through one point in your network that is your web-filter and it becomes a bottle neck in your network. But with this approach you might have a serious latency problem on your network. There are many commercial products based on Squid proxy. Traditionally we made a web-filter based on HTTP proxy server. NxFilter can do everything you can expect from a dns-filter or a web-filter. Now it provides web-proxy based filtering as well.
